
— Coming Trials We're Attending—
(I'm planning on keeping this page up-to-date!)

April 27 & 28, 2024Palomar Agility Club NADAC trial in Valley Center...

May 3 to 5, 2024Rino Agility NADAC trial at
George Ingalls Equestrian Center in Norco.
Wonderful location and lunches...2 rings running much of the time!
FEO in all classes. And you can start NADAC in the level you're running in other venues.
(Missing the local AKC Trial)

May 18 & 19, 2024 — AKC at Green Oaks Ranch

We currently attend NADAC trials as our first choice because we enjoy the classes and training opportunities. In addition rules are friendly for older dogs, as well as young dogs starting out. We film AKC trials if there's no NADAC trial to attend. If you want to know whether we'll be at a particular trial, please feel free to email me!

To see a list of other coming AKC trials visit Lynda Tjarks website. Most of the AKC trials are hosted by her.

NADAC trials we attend generally at Lakeside (formerly Agape) Dog Sports near Lake Wohlford (Ups and Downs Agility Club and Palomar Agility Club) or at a beautiful covered arena, the George Ingalls Equestrian Event Center, in Norco. Trials there are usually hosted by Rino Agility. For NADAC trial dates check

How to Watch YouTube Videos in Slow Motion

Most of the browsers on both Mac and PC are able to watch YouTube videos in slow motion by "instructing" the computer to use the HTML5 player. In case you don’t have your computer set up to watch in slow motion, visit this link to make sure you’re using the HTML5 player:

If it says “Request HTML5 Player” click on that. Then when you’re watching any video on YouTube, click on the little round settings icon in the bottom right corner of the video. You’ll see an option to play at .5 or .25 speed (or normal for 2x or 4x). If the caption at the bottom of the page says “HTML5 player is currently used when possible” that means you already have that installed.



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