
How to Locate and Order Videos OnLine

All our videos from agility trials are uploaded to our Smugmug website immediately following the trial. Depending on the number of runs, it takes quite a few hours to finish. I start the uploads Sunday night after we get home. Local smaller trials are generally uploaded and ready to view by Monday night. Larger trials, such as Rino, extra days to complete...if you don't see a class's not finished uploading yet.

Any video requests paid for at the trial, I can generally get processed and sent out before the videos are even done uploading. If you paid me at the trial, don't pay online for the same video...look for the link from for your download or email me to send the link again.

Remember that downloads from almost anywhere—including me, or from Smugmug—will generally default to saving to your computer's DOWNLOADS folder. If you can't find the videos, check there. Smugmug sends you links to the videos about the same time as you get the receipt if you buy after the trial....look for that message!

Smugmug will charge you $7 each for high resolution HD downloads and an extra $.50 if you only get ONE. So find all you want, add each to your cart and save the 50 cent "one video surcharge"! Previews on line are a lower resolution but what you purchase is 1920x1080 HD. As soon as you pay for them, Smugmug will send you a link to request your downloads.

The home page at looks like on the 2024 Agility Trials for a recent trial. Feel free to browse older ones. We started using Smugmug for trial videos in August 2019 starting with ESAG at Mammoth Lakes.

HOme page of

The next screen shows all the trials so far this year. The newest trial will always be the first one on the first row.

2023 trial

After clicking on the trial, click on a class in the list shown. We left before Sunday runs at this trial because of the weather forecast so just Friday and Saturday classes are shown here. class list

Next you'd choose the level in that class...this is Saturday Jumpers below.


Then choose which Round...Here's Saturday Elite Jumpers to choose the Round.


I selected R2. Then choose your jump height to get to the final list of videos for R2 (assuming it's a jumping class of course).

If it isn't a jumping class, for instance Grounders or Tunnelers, then the videos are generally in the order you ran.You skip the jump heights screen. If it gets really crazy with LOTS of people running 2 times in R1 and not in R2, I'm sorting everything in the right rounds. There's a "breadcrumb" list above the videos at this point that lets you navigate back to other classes directly.

For really small classes, I'll skip the jump height sorting and just name the dogs in that class.

jump heights

The thumbnails on the left below are all the 12" Elite dogs in R2. The larger image on the right was the first 12" Elite dog...1 of 11 in this case. Note the small text below the video which shows the dog's name after the file number. The little < > arrows let you flip thru the list to find yourself. At the upper right, while you are watching the video you want to buy, click on BUY PHOTOS (we know it's a video but Smugmug sells photos). A couple people HAVE bought someone else's video accidentally.

So be sure to play the video before purchasing!

enlarment of notes

Here's the next screen after you click on "BUY PHOTOS". YOUR VIDEO should be showing on the right. You need to click where it says "Single Video Download Full HD". DO NOT click "BUY MULTIPLE PHOTOS" that's for still photos only.

Buy photos

Then you'll get this...where you'll add that video to your CART. Then click on CLOSE to go back and find more videos you may want to get before you check out. After you pay, SmugMug will send you a link to go get the videos.

add to cart

Any questions, call or email Kathy:

Cell 858-837-1151



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